Summer School  IV

Title: „ Ways of making Textile Industry sustainable. Project related scientific methods.” (Uzbekistan, 2014)

The Summer school was planned, organized and conducted together with Dr. Sigrid Dany from the Center for Higher Education ( zhb -Zentrum für HochschulBildung. Hochschuldidaktik//Hochschulforschung)

and Yacin Bessas from Fakultät für Mathematik und Wirtschaftswissenschaften  Universität Ulm

Summer School III

Title:  “Display of textile heritage (on the example of Uzbek Ikat). Presentation and visualization in High Education” (Uzbekistan, 2014)

The Summer school was planned, organized and conducted together with Dr. Sigrid Dany from the Center for Higher Education ( zhb -Zentrum für HochschulBildung. Hochschuldidaktik//Hochschulforschung)

and Dr. Annette Krämer from Linden Museum Stuttgart

Summer school II

"Summer school on teaching methods: Green design", Tashkent (Uzbekistan), 2011

The Summer school was planned, organized and conducted together with Dr. Sigrid Dany from the Center for Higher Education ( zhb - Zentrum für HochschulBildung. Hochschuldidaktik//Hochschulforschung)

and Prof. Dr. Bettina Köhler from the University of Applied Sciences Northwestern Switzerland, Academy of Art and Design, Institute Fashion Design .

Summer School I

"Teaching via research", Bukhara (Uzbekistan), 2010

The Summer school was planned, organized and conducted together with Dr. Sigrid Dany from the Center for Higher Education ( zhb - Zentrum für HochschulBildung. Hochschuldidaktik//Hochschulforschung)

Project team

A.Gofurov, T.Chursina, A.Toychiyev, J.Bessas,V.Chursina,L.Shamukhitdinova, A.Egorkin, G. Valiev , G.Mentges, S.Dany, A.Rahimov, A.Ahunbabaev, H.Alimova, N.Kobulova, M.Temirova, S.Pulatova, D.Muhammedieva, E.Mustafina, R.Yusupova,Sh.Ilkhomov