June, 2017
2017, 322 Seiten, gebunden, with numerous illustrations, ISBN 978-3-8309-3609-1
Mit Beiträgen von
Susana Aguirre, Leyla Belkaïd-Neri, Melanie Krebs, Gabriele Mentges, Gaini Mukhtarova, Binafsha Nodir, Lola Shamukhitdinova, Gulnar Soltanbayeva, Ardak Yussupova, Zhazira Zhukenova
June, 2016
January, 2016
December, 2015
Review for the Project Book : Modernity of Tradition. Uzbek Textile Culture today"
We are happy to inform you that the second book of the Project is already here!
Алимова, Халимахон, Ментгес, Габриеле, Шамухитдинова, Лола
Перспективы узбекской текстильной культуры: традиции и инновации. - Ташкент, "O'ZBEKISTON" 2015. - 200c.
ISBN 978-9943-28-349-7
December, 2015
March, 2015
Visit of Uzbek delegation to TU Dortmund
From March 23rd till March 30th, in the framework of the Project the delegation from 4 Uzbek universities has visited TU Dortmund.
The program of the visit included meeting and acquaintance with the Hohenstein Institute, which carries out testing, certification and researchin the field of textiles, a round table in ZHD (Technische Universität Dortmund) about actual quality management, a discussion in Institute of Art and Material Culture.
December, 2014
Uzbek fashion design and textile traditions: Wedding attire
Exhibition in the institute of Art and Material Culture
The collection shown here reflects on old wedding ritual, but proposes a modernized version which respects the ritual by the use of traditional fabrics and motifs as well as
modern needs and conceptions of fashion. It also gives an impression of contemporary Uzbek fashion design which tries to revitalize traditional textile culture in Central Asia.
It was devised by Taisiya Chursina together with members of the project.
September, 2014
Visit to Uzbekistan September 18 – October 9, 2014
- Summer school in Tashkent “Ways of making Textile Industry sustainable. Project related scientific methods.” (September 29 – October 3, 2014)
- Field investigations in Margilan:
„Edgorlik” Ikat handicraft factory, ikat production in Fazlitdin Dadajanov`s workshop , “Faiz“ market, Center of Handicrafts, hand workshop of furnaces
- Meeting with the administration of the State museum of History of Uzbekistan
- Organization of the Fashion show of the collection of the Project and historical Costume objects in the State Museum of History of Uzbekistan
- Meeting in the editorial department of the „SANAT” magazine edition
- Field investigations: Handicrafts Fairy, Jangiabod Market in Tashkent suburbs, visit of textile interior Salon, Field trip to the museum of the Victims of political Repressions in Tashkent, Study trip to the Museum of applied arts, exhibition „Tubeteika“
- work meetings with Uzbek colleagues
- Visit to Republic International Cultural Center in Tashkent. Meeting in German Cultural Center
September 26, 2014
Fashion Show in the State Museum of the History of Uzbekistan
Meeting in the German Cultural Center
September, 2014
July - August, 2014
Preparation stage:
- Preparations for Summer School 4
- Organizing of the visit and project meeting in Uzbekistan
June, 2014
Small foyer exhibition »Suzane embroidery from Uzbekistan« at the Institute of Art and Material Culture of TU Dortmund
In the foyer of the Institute of Art and Material Culture of TU Dortmund an exhibition devoted to the art of susane embroidery from Uzbekistan is opened. The exhibition presents susane exhibits of the Institute collection discovered during the field investigations in two regions of modern Uzbekistan: Bukhara and Samarkand.
May, 2014
Visit to Istanbul
(Prof. G. Mentges, L. Shamukhitdinova, S. Adelt)
· Investigation of the Grand Bazar in Istanbul concerning Uzbek textiles (location, organization, display, goods).
· Research in Bursa - the center of revitalized silk industry in Turkey.
· Investigation of the antique and collectors galleries of Uzbek textiles and ethnic textile shops.
· Research on the textile patterns connected with Central Asian Ikat (for IKAT data base) and their imitations.
· Display of the textile heritage in Turkish Museums.
April, 2014
Visit to Uzbekistan March 6-27, 2014
- Summer school in Bukhara “Display of textile heritage (on the example of Uzbek Ikat). Presentation and visualization in High Education” (March 10-14, 2014)
- Acquaintance with Uzbek National Academic Dramatic Theatre. Performance “Excellent Bride”
- Visit to Performance devoted to Navruz (poetess Farida Afruz)
- Visit to kishlak Kolon – visit to the family and makhalla famous for producing gold embroidery textiles
- Visit to Bukhara, Samarkand, Urgut, Shahrisabs,Tashkent, Kibrai (Tashkent district).
- Lection in Fashion Theory “Youth Cultures” by Prof. Dr. G. Mentges (TITLI, March 19, 2014, NIAD named after K. Bekhzod March 25, 2014)
- Lection “Uzbek Ikat: From Tradition to Modernity” Dr. L. Shamukhitdinova (TITLI, March 19, 2014, NIAD named after K. Bekhzod March 25, 2014)
- Visit to Republic International Cultural Center in Tashkent. Meeting in German Cultural Center (March 21, 2014)
- Visit to Art-Basar (TURKESTIN Palace, March 21, 2014)
- Meetings with Uzbek designers (Fatima Gulyamova, Samarkand), Saodat Muratkhojaeva in her workshop (Tashkent), Olga and Darja Massalskaja (Tashkent), Irina Sharipova (Bukhara), Ilkhom Bobomuradov (Ceramics) in Samarkand
- Visit to the handicraft factory producing “silk paper” (Samarkand), meeting the Designers Zarif and Sanjar Mukhtarov
- Participation in traditional Navruz activities in Kibrai
- Meeting with Prof. Dr. Z. I. Rahimova – specialist in museology
- Visit to Goethe–Institute in Tashkent. Meeting with director Julia Hanske.
October, 2013
Visit to Uzbekistan 18.-28.10.2013
Kick-off meeting of the Project/Workshop
Participation in:
-The 9th international Uzbek Cotton and Textile Fair: conference, exhibition, industrial fashion show (16.-17.10.2013)
- International scientific conference “Design – the sphere uniting cultures” in National institute of Art and Design under the name of K.Behzod (17.10.2013)
Field investigation in different regions (Tashkent and Tashkent district, Bukhara and
Bukhara district, Samarkand):
- Meeting with the administration of Bukhara engineer-technological institute (21.10.2013)
- Visit to gold embroidery factory “Zarduz” in Bukhara (22.10.2013)
- Meeting with a family running a small business in embroidery (Bukhara/22.10.2013)
- Field investigation on the textiles section in Karvon basar in Bukhara (22.10.2013)
- Investigation on the development of folklore handicraft touristic market in Old Bukhara
- Visit to the traditional carpet factory in Samarkand (23.10.2013)
- Field investigation on modernity of traditional design in Samarkand touristic market: new Uzbek design brands (23.10.2013)
- Visit to the knitting factory in Tashkent district (Chirchik) (19.10.2013)
- Visit to the “salom kelin” wedding ritual festivity in Tashkent (15.10.2013)
- Visit to the wedding salon in Tashkent (26.10.2013)
- Participation in the Festival of National dress in the frame of “Style.uz” Art week in Tashkent (26.10.2013)
August, 2013
2013, 192 Seiten, gebunden, mit zahlreichen, teils farbigen Abbildungen, ISBN 978-3-8309-2906-2
Mit Beiträgen von
Ohunjon Ahunbabayev, Halimahan Alimova, Dilafruz Aripjanova, Ulugbek Bobatov, Irina Bogoslovskaya, Vera Chursina, Azamat Gulamov, Gabriele Mentges, Nargiza Nabidjanova, Sabokhat Pulatova, Nilufarhon Qobulova, Alisher Rahimov, Markus Rempe, Lola Shamukhitdinova, Abdurahmon Toychiyev, Gulam Valiyev.
Die gesamte Veröffentlichung in englischer Sprache ist für Kulturwissenschaftler, die sich neben der Technik, dem Design auch für die aktuelle Textilforschung in Usbekistan interessieren,
eine wichtige aktuelle Informationsquelle.
Waltraud Rusch in: ...textil... 4/2013
Kulturwissenschaftlern, Textilfachleuten, Designerinnen und allen Berufsfeldern, welche an der aktuellen Textilforschung mit ihren vielfältigen Schnittstellen zwischen regionalen und globalen
Entwicklungen interessiert sind, bietet die in englischer Sprache erschienene Publikation eine breit angelegte Untersuchung mit vielfältigen Informationen.
Bettina Köhler in: Bayerisches Jahrbuch für Volkskunde, 2015
August, 2013
We are happy to inform you that the book of the Project is already here!
July, 2013
May – July, 2013
Preparation stage:
- Buying of scientific equipment
- Preparations for Summer School 3
- Organizing of the visit and project meeting in Uzbekistan
Juni, 2012
Press and Media reviews
October, 2011
Visit to Uzbekistan
- Workshops with participants of the project
- Summer school 2 “Summer school on teaching methods: Green design” in Tashkent
- Field research in Uzbekistan (Tashkent, Samarqand, Bukhara, Andijan, Margilan, Namangan, Kasansay)
Kulturanalyse und Kulturvermittlung
Forschungskolloquium des Seminars für Kulturanthropologie des Textilen in Verbindung mit der Forschungsgruppe Dynamik der Geschlechterkonstellationen
Tu Dortmund, 18.00 Uhr ct ¦ Seminar für Kulturanthropologie des Textilen ¦ Emil-Figge-Str. 50 ¦ Raum 4.208
Gabriele Mentges, TU Dortmund Modernität der Tradition:
Lola Shamukhitdinova,TU Dortmund Materialität und usbekische
October, 2011
Summer School in Tashkent / Uzbekistan (October 10-14, 2011)
Title: “Summer School on Teaching Methods: Green Design”
18 participants from partner institutions in Uzbekistan:
• Tashkent Institute for Textile and Apparel Industry (TITLI)
• Andijan Machine-building Institute
• Bukhara Technological Institute of Food and Light Industry
• Uzbek National Institute of Art and Design named after K. Bekhzod (Tashkent)
• Research Institute of Natural Fibers (Margilan)
Prof. Gabriele Mentges
(TU Dortmund Institute of Art and Material Culture)
Dr. Lola Shamukhitdinova
(TU Dortmund Institute of Art and Material Culture)
Dr.Sigrid Dany
(TU Dortmund, zhb)
Prof. Dr. Bettina Köhler
(University of Applied Sciences Northwestern Switzerland, Academy of Art and Design, Institute Fashion Design)
July, 2011
Visit of Uzbek delegation to TUDo
From June 31st till July 11th, in the framework of the International Project “Modernity of tradition. Uzbek textile heritage as a cultural and economical recourse” the delegation from 4 Uzbek universities has visited TU Dortmund.
During the intensive program of the visit the members of the delegation have had a meeting and long discussion with Rector Prof. Ursula Gather, a round table in HDZ about actual teaching problems, a discussion in Media Center about e-learning and a visit to the ITMC.
Furthermore members of delegation made presentations in the Institute of Art and Material Culture, visited the AMD in Düsseldorf and the Institut für Textiltechnik (ITA) at RWTH Aachen University
October, 2010
Summer School in Bukhara 2010 – “Teaching via research”
15 participants from:
• Tashkent Institute for Textile and Apparel Industry (TITLI)
• Andijan Machine-building Institute
• Bukhara Technological Institute of Food and Light Industry
• Uzbek National Institute of Art and Design named after K. Bekhzod (Tashkent)
Prof. Gabriele Mentges
Dr. Sigrid Dany
Dr. Lola Shamukhitdinova
October, 2010
Visit to Uzbekistan / Field research
- Workshops with participants of the project
- Summer school 1 “Teaching via research” in Bukhara
- Field research in Uzbekistan (Tashkent, Samarqand, Bukhara, Andijan, Margilan)
June, 2010
Visit to Uzbekistan
- Kick-off meeting of the Project
- workshop; round table: "Organization of the Summer Schools" (G.Mentges)
- training: “New digital technical instruments for designers – presentation of the
ColorMunki from PANTONE” (L. Shamukhitdinova)
- field researches in Tashkent, Bukhara and Margilan